Guideline to Support Local Initiatives in Turkey

Call for Small Initiatives (15.000 – 50.000 EUR) April 2019 – Istanbul ONLY


The Turkish government and international humanitarian and development actors have achieved significant impact in assisting refugees and displaced persons in Turkey in recent years. Still, there are people in need that have not yet been targeted adequately and regions that have not yet received the necessary attention. To overcome the remaining gaps, it is of utmost importance to specifically address vulnerable groups and at-risk-persons in so far neglected and underserved areas.

In line with the ECHO Humanitarian Implementation Plan (HIP) for Turkey 2018, the “Local Initiative Fund in Turkey” has been set up to encourage and stimulate a wide scope of project ideas that improve the provision of services to these vulnerable groups among refugees, displaced and vulnerable persons in so far neglected communities and underserved areas. Through this approach, the risk of particularly vulnerable populations adopting negative coping mechanisms such as child labour and debt accumulation shall be reduced.

LIFT is part of the “Community Centres and Local Initiatives Project” (CLIP) which has a special focus on Leave No One Behind. The project is co-funded by the European Union through its Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit(GIZ).


The objective of LIFT is to provide technical and financial support to local interventions responding to specific assistance and service needs of vulnerable and at-risk persons. Within the scope of the fund, new local initiatives will be piloted, or successful approaches will be advanced to serve the special needs of particularly vulnerable groups and persons at risk amongst the vulnerable population, to reach out to people in underserved areas, to strengthen their inclusion and improve their access to high-quality services.

  • Eligible target groups: The fund is dedicated to projects which support particularly vulnerable groups who have not yet benefited from services and who are at risk to be ‘left behind’ in humanitarian and development assistance endeavours. These vulnerable groups include working children, seasonal migrants, non-registered refugees, persons with disabilities, single parents, elderly persons at risk, people with specific legal and physical protection needs, victims of human trafficking, victims of torture, LGBTI individuals, survivors or persons at risk of SGBV.

Others will be included upon given data and justification.

  • Project area: Istanbul – particularly areas which are still underserved
  • Expected results: All funded projects shall at least contribute to one of the following results: o Facilitated access to services provided in underserved areas.
  • Improved quality and quantity of service delivery in the field of protection, registration, counselling and advice on issues regarding education, health, employment and others. o Inclusion of most vulnerable and at risks persons in the humanitarian assistance.
  • Averted or reduced negative coping mechanisms. o Increased knowledge of actors in the field, increased advocacy and awareness.
  • Averted or mitigated tensions resulting from the impact of displacement on local communities.
  • Activities to be funded: The activities to be funded must be tailored to the specific local environment and respond to the specific needs of a certain area and identified persons in need; therefore, the list of activities below might not be comprehensive. Possible activities are:
  • Developing and providing access to needs-based services to refugees, displaced persons and other vulnerable persons in the field of legal issues and protection (e.g. support with registration), education, health, employment and local integration.
  • Promoting outreach (both static and mobile for accessing areas not covered yet) to mitigate and limit exposure to risks and conduct protection advocacy measures.
  • Piloting new models of service provisions and establishing access to existing service providers.
  • Developing and implementing awareness-raising measures regarding the positive contribution of refugees to Turkish society.
  • Eligible applicants: registered small and medium-sized local organizations such as civil society organizations, community-based organizations, non-governmental organizations.
  • All applicants must be: o Non-profit-making actors o Registered in Turkey as a legal entity – usually as an NGO, association or foundation o Directly responsible for the implementation, not acting as an intermediary o In possession of required legal permissions depending on intended activities




LIFT provides financial and technical support to its implementing partners. Each local initiative can apply for funds between 15.000 and 50.000 EUR. The duration of the project shall be between 4 to 8 months, starting earliest June 2019 and latest in October 2019.

During the implementation of the project, technical support will be provided to the partners. The support will vary according to their capacities and needs. All partners will receive:

  • A welcome package with all relevant information including visibility guidelines, finance management templates, contact persons etc.
  • A kick-off-meeting with each project to explain technical procedures and financial management
  • Regular field visits
  • Other on-the-job and ad hoc-support

In addition, implementing partners will have the chance to take part in GIZ’s tailormade Capacity Development measures in the field of organizational development and management aspects, as well as in the technical fields of protection, migration, participatory approaches, etc.


LIFT does not support  

  • projects that does not contribute to the objectives of LIFT o salary costs, only consultancy contracts   o credit schemes  o purchase of land, vehicle or medicines  o projects with high maintenance costs
  • lump-sum payments, all costs are settled against evidence



Every project needs to have a system in place how to monitor and how to measure, evaluate and report on the progress of the project. Amongst others, the monitoring data needs to inform about:

  • the number of individuals who have benefited from the services of the funded organizations
  • the number of individuals who have participated in protection services or who have been referred to other relevant service providers.

More details will be given within the logframe template. GIZ will collect information through

  • Bi-monthly progress reporting
  • Final reporting at the end of a contract
  • External progress assessments on the quality and impact of services (by a consultant)
  • Regular monitoring visits (by GIZ)


GIZ offers its partners advise and training in improving their monitoring databases and tools.



A complete application consists of a narrative proposal, activity plan, log frame, budget in Turkish Lira, as well as a capability statement and a copy of your organizational registration documents. Before preparing these documents, please consider the information given in this guideline.

Applying organisations can ask for the necessary templates, a comprehensive checklist and for further technical support           via        email   under [email protected] . The communication can be done in Turkish, Arabic and English.   

Submission of documents: The contract and reporting language will be English. Thus, applicants should ideally submit their proposals in English. In cases, where no resources for translation are available, Turkish and Arabic proposals are also accepted. The applications should be submitted the complete application to [email protected] until 6th of May, 2019.

  • If you wish to apply for this fund, please specify that you saw it on vacanciesinturkey.com



GIZ will evaluate and approve proposal applications through a committee consisting of GIZ employees and external experts from the field. Please keep in mind that limited number of applications will be supported through this open call.  We are looking forward to working together and to building a successful partnership!

GIZ – Community Centres and Local Initiatives Project Team.

Ankara, April 2019



Published by 

Project ‘Improving social services provided by community centres and  local initiatives to refugees and host communities in Turkey’

Implemented by

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

On behalf of

The European Union through its Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO),

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation  and Development (BMZ).

Contact person at GIZ:

Amal Mustafa [email protected]

Place and date 

Ankara, Turkey / April 2019


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