
Conduct a Framework Agreement to Procure Fuel for all SHAFAK Programs in Idleb PR 20-30-4-010

Tender Application documents for Conduct a framework agreement to procure fuel for all SHAFAK programs PR 20-30-4-010   Shafak was officially established in 2013, while it is founded during the early months of the Syrian Crisis in 2011. At its core, Shafak is a grassroots NGO that was formed by Syrians for Syrians, with the intent of addressing the needs of their life with dignity, equality and humanity with a focus on sustainability and autonomy. […]

Conduct a Framework Agreement to Procure Fuel for all SHAFAK Programs in Idleb PR 20-30-4-010 Read More »

UK-Turkey Creative Industries Research Networking Awards

UK-Turkey Creative Industries Research Networking Awards Summary The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) is pleased to announce a call for Research Networking awards focusing on how the creative industries can have a transformative impact on prosperity, social cohesion and sustainable growth in Turkey. The overarching aim of this call is to build networks and partnerships between the UK and Turkey – with a specific focus on the Istanbul region – in order to facilitate

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Type of traineeship: Trainees in Cyber Security for the EATM-CERT Location: Brussels Directorate/Service: DECMA/ACS/OFF – Office of Aviation Cooperation and Strategies Division Closing date: N/A Reserve list: A reserve list is established as part of this offer. Candidates can be contacted throughout the year following business needs. YOUR TEAM Within the Directorate European Civil-Military Aviation, the European Air Traffic Management Computer Emergency Response Team (EATM-CERT) provides services of common interest to the ATM Stakeholders of EUROCONTROL Member States.   Our mission is


Kültür için Alan 2020 Proje Teklif Çağrısı (İzmir, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep)

Kültür için Alan projesi, görsel sanatlar ve gösteri sanatları alanındaki kültürel projelere ortam, mekân ve kaynak sağlamanın yanı sıra, yerel kurumlar ve sanat alanında üretim yapan profesyonellere farklı eğitim ve gelişim olanakları sunuyor. Kültür için Alan, Türkiye ve Avrupa’daki kültür dünyasından partnerlerle ortak çalışmalar yürüterek, proje bölgelerinde kapsamlı programlar geliştirip organize ediyor. Avrupa ile Türkiye arasındaki yaratıcı diyalog çoğu zaman İstanbul ve Ankara gibi büyük kentlere odaklanırken; kültürel faaliyetlerin bu kentler dışında da teşvik edilmesini

Kültür için Alan 2020 Proje Teklif Çağrısı (İzmir, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep) Read More »

Fulbright Eğitimde Mükemmeliyet ve Başarı Programı

Fulbright Eğitimde Mükemmeliyet ve Başarı (TEA) Programı, ortaokul ve lise düzeyinde tam zamanlı çalışan İngilizce öğretmenlerine, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde altı haftalık bir profesyonel gelişim fırsatı sunmaktadır. TEA Programı, İngilizce öğretmenlerinin hem öğretim yöntem ve tekniklerini geliştirmeyi hem de medya okuryazarlığının bu yöntem ve teknikler üzerindeki yeri ve etkisine ilişkin farkındalık yaratmayı amaçlamaktadır. Programa seçilen öğretmenler: ABD’deki üniversitelerde ileri düzeyde lisans ya da lisansüstü derslere katılırlar; En az 40 saat boyunca ABD’deki ortaokul ve liselerde ders

Fulbright Eğitimde Mükemmeliyet ve Başarı Programı Read More »

Tender Invitation for Food Basket And RTE Kits

CARE International in Turkey is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that has been operating in Gaziantep, Turkey since 2013, providing much needed aid and support to the Syrian refugee population, through funds provided by various government and other donors. CARE International in Turkey has been providing emergency relief assistance (Food or Non-Food Commodities) to the Syrian refugee population over the past 3/4 years procuring from Turkey. CARE Turkey now solicits invitations from reputable vendors/suppliers who are

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Consultancy Service for Impact Evaluation Study of the CR & YR PSS Structured Programs

Dear Sir / Madame, We, as Save the Children International Turkey, kindly invite you for submitting your proposals for “Consultancy Service for Impact Evaluation Study of the CR & YR PSS Structured Programs” need of ours. Please see further details in “ToR (Terms of References)” and “Criteria for Consultancy Service for Impact Evaluation” documents attached. Kindly note that your proposal will be evaluated based on the Capability Criteria  (%60) and the Commercial Criteria (40%) therefore

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THIS YEAR, IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE BRITISH COUNCIL AND THE GREAT BRITAIN CAMPAIGN, ARTS UNIVERSITY BOURNEMOUTH WILL BE OFFERING ONE FULL ONE YEAR SCHOLARSHIP TO A TURKISH STUDENT APPLYING FOR AN MA DEGREE COURSE IN ANY SUBJECT. This scholarship scheme is part of the “GREAT Scholarships 2020 – Turkey” campaign, which has been launched by the British Council together with 36 UK universities to support more international students around the world to access the excellent UK higher education opportunities. This scholarship scheme offers an exciting opportunity for Turkish students wishing to get financial support to pursue postgraduate study in the UK. Students can apply for courses in subjects including engineering, law,


Request For Proposals Soil Roads Rehabilitation

BÜNYAN GENÇLiK VE KALKINMA DERNEĞiإعلان مناقصة بالظرف المغلقTender by closed envelopeالممولمنظمة بنيانBonyan organizationCLIENTتاريخ الاصدار07-01-202007-01-2020ISSUE DATEرقم مرجعيRS136-08-01RS136-08-01Reference Noمقدمةأشارت تقارير الأمم المتحدة إلى أن عشرات الآلاف من الأسر السورية أجبروا على الانتقال إلى مستوطنات اللجوء الأخيرة مثل مخيم أطمة. ونظرا لعدم وجود شبكة طرق تغطي جميع مخيمات أطمة، فإن خطر عدم وصول المساعدات يشكل مصدر قلق بالغ؛ وتوفير طرق جيده سيساعد على التخفيف من هذه المخاطر.       The UN reports noted, tens of thousands of

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