Request for Proposal (RFQ) No.: | BM-TR-19-2-012 |
Issuance Date: | 13 February 2020 |
Closing Date: | 17 February 2020 |
Closing Time: | 23:59 (UTC+3) |
Method of RFQ Submission:Submit via email to: | Email: [email protected]
Subject Line: | Price quote for BM-TR-19-2-012 |
Preferred currency of quotation: | United States Dollars (USD) |
Tax on Price Quotation: | Must be inclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes |
Conditions for Release of Payment: | Services as per contract deliverables |
Period of Validity of Quotes starting on the Submission Date: | 60 Days |
Evaluation Criteria: |
Who We Are
Building Markets is an award-winning non-profit organization that creates jobs and encourages economic growth by finding, building and connecting competitive local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to supply chains, investment, and growth opportunities. We have built a network of more than 25,000 verified SMEs and organizations, assisted them in winning over $1.3 billion in contracts, and helped create over 70,000 jobs in some of the world’s most challenging environments. Building Markets is headquartered in New York City and is registered for non-profit activities in Turkey. For more information visit
In Turkey, Building Markets has partnered with Human Development Foundation (INGEV) to expand the delivery of services to refugee-owned businesses as well as local Turkish businesses working with them.
Building Markets’ approach is three-pronged and includes training, mentorship, and matchmaking opportunities, enabling targeted entrepreneurs in Turkey to increase their commercial knowledge and help them access new contracts and investment and contribute to the local economy.
I. Scope of Work
Task Description
Building Markets seeks a qualified supplier able to provide simultaneous and consecutive translation services during training sessions and events. Details of the requirements can be found below.
- Interpretation
- Seven (7) events with Arabic and Turkish speak Interpretation services are required between both languages.
- Two interpreters are needed for all events.
- Each event is expected to last one (1) full day, between 09:00 and 17:30. If a time change occurs, the interpreter will be notified and asked to comply with the change.
- Four (4) events will be held in Istanbul, two (2) in Gaziantep and one (1) in Mersin.
- Provisional dates for Istanbul are:
– 26 February 2020
– 15 April 2020
– 14 July 2020
– 5 August 2020
- Provisional event dates in Gaziantep are:
– 11 March 2020
– 25 March 2020
- Provisional event date in Mersin is 25 June 2020
- All events will be in specific venues, which will be shared with the Supplier prior to the event.
- Interpreters need to prove their fluency in both languages by providing CVs and previous work experience. Building Markets retains the right to interview proposed interpreters directly to determine the best fit for purpose.
- Equipment:
- The simultaneous translation should be carried out using appropriate and professional
- Microphones for desks, tables, and lapels, as well as handheld microphones, are to be supplied to the venue by the provider in a timely manner. Specific number counts will be communicated to the Supplier one week prior to each event.
- The Supplier will provide an interpretation booth, and is to include all setup, maintenance and removal costs in their quote. Interpreter voices should be heard using charged, wireless handsets by participants.
- There must be separate wireless listening kits for each The number of participants at each event is estimated to be around 75 people. One event in Istanbul (15 April 2020) is estimated to have 40 participants.
- There must be a technician present to check and maintain the sound equipment during all times of the event and throughout the period of interpretation.
- All equipment systems are to be installed and uninstalled by the S
- All work-related to installing and uninstalling (carrying, transportation, loading, unloading, etc.) is to be be done by the S
- Other:
- All travel, accommodation and any other relevant costs must be arranged by the Supplier and reflected on the Quotation separately.
- Lunch will be offered to interpreters and technicians, alongside all participants.
- Building Markets will only pay the Supplier the final quoted amount. Any and all personal costs are borne by the interpreters and technician will not be covered by Building Markets and are not eligible for reimbursement.
- The Supplier may apply to deliver services in only one, or in multiple cities. BM reserves the right to choose multiple Suppliers to maximize efficiency.
II. Delivery Schedule
The following payments will be processed within 30 days upon successful completion and acceptance of each milestone by Building Markets. Payments will be made upon completion of each event.
Milestone | Approximate Due Date | Payment |
1. Contract signed | February 20, 2020 | n/a |
2. Istanbul, 26 February 2020 (75 participants) | February 26, 2020 | Full event payment |
3. Contractor completes the delivery of service in GaziantepMarch | March 11, 2020 | Full event payment |
4. Contractor completes the delivery of service in Gaziantep | March 25, 2020 | Full event payment |
5. Contractor completes the delivery of service in Istanbul (40 participants) | April 15, 2020 | Full event payment |
6. Contractor completes the delivery of service in Mersin (75 participants) | June 25, 2020 | Full event payment |
7. Contractor completes the delivery of service in Istanbul (75 participants) | July 14, 2020 | Full event payment |
8. Contractor completes the delivery of service in Istanbul (75 participants) | August 5, 2020 | Full event payment |
In the event of delays or revised timelines, revised deadlines will be accepted following written acknowledgment from both parties. Further details on schedules, payments, and force majeure will be made available in the final contract.
III. Selection Criteria
The ideal supplier for this project is an agency offering flexible solutions responsive to our specific needs. A well-established portfolio, a list of customer references will aid the selection process.
Note that while Building Markets prefers to work with a single supplier, the organization also reserves the right to divide this tender and work with multiple service providers based on comparative advantage and past performance. Potential suppliers are encouraged to highlight areas of relative expertise when submitting their offers.
Prospective suppliers will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Price Quote [50%]
- Technical proposal responsive to Scope of Work [25%]
- CVs of proposed interpreters [25%]
IV. Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions
Building Markets will review all quotes and score them based on the above criteria. Preferred and backup suppliers will be selected, after which a contract will be signed between the two parties. A Firm Fixed Price (FFP) contract will be awarded as a result of this RFQ.
Building Markets is not bound to accept any quotation, nor award a contract/ Purchase Order, nor be responsible for any costs associated with the preparation and submission of a quotation, regardless of the conduct or outcomes of the selection process.
Building Markets reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal, to render any or all Proposals as non-responsive, and to annul the solicitation process and reject all Proposals at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected supplier, or any obligation to inform the affected supplier(s) of the grounds for Building Markets’ action. Building Markets shall neither be obliged to award the contract to the lowest price offer.
Conflict of Interest
Building Markets takes special care to comply with transparency, accountability and generally applied work ethics within all domestic and donor regulations, and international laws applicable to the countries where it operates.
Any attempts or suspicion of misconduct to influence the integrity of the procurement process, whether by Building Markets personnel or outside suppliers, will fully be investigated. By submitting your price quotation, you accept to immediately declare any potential conflict of interest, even if cursory or unintentional, upon becoming aware of such for immediate internal review by the organization. Failure to declare such conflicts of interest, even if accidental, may result in litigation.
Non-disclosure Agreement and International Compliance
By submitting your price quotation, you agree that in the event of being selected to undertake this project, any team members involved in the development of the said project are willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement to maintain the confidentiality of data involved in website population.
You also agree to sign anti-terrorism and anti-fraud declaration forms and have your name searched against an international database conducting terrorism background checks. There is no additional burden to you as a supplier; only consent is required.
Compliance with personal data protection laws
Building Markets is committed to ensuring the security and protection of the personal information that we process, and to provide a compliant and consistent approach to data protection. If you have any questions related to our personal data protection compliance, please contact our Data Protection Officer ([email protected]) or make a Data Subject Access Request, which can be accessed from our website (
For the purposes of this tender, the Bidder represents and warrants that it or any of its potential subcontractors are in full compliance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data numbered 6698 (hereafter referred to as the “KVKK”) and any relevant applicable data protection legislation (hereafter referred to as the “Data Protection Regulations”).
V. Submission Instructions
Prospective suppliers must submit the following documents to expedite the review process:
- Your Proposal, including:
- Technical component specifically addressing the requirements listed under “I. Scope of Work”
- Detailed timeline and schedule of work, taking into account the milestones under “II. Delivery and Payment Schedule”
- Earliest available start date to commence work;
- Price quote in United States Dollars (USD), inclusive of VAT and applicable indirect taxes in the budget format specified in Annex II.;
- NOTE – The technical proposal, timeline, and quote should be a maximum of 5 pages in length.
- Portfolio of previous similar work;
- Minimum one past client reference including the Client name, Client Organization, Preferred Contact information – Phone/ Email and a brief description of services provided.
- CVs and contact information of proposed interpreter candidates. Building Markets will speak directly with these candidates. Non-submission of CVs will be interpreted as an incomplete submission.
To apply, email your proposal to [email protected] with the subject line RFQ – 19-2-012 Simultaneous Translation for Events by 23:59 (UTC+3), February 17, 2020.
Annex I Budget Proposal
Suppliers are welcome to bid for fewer events, and BM reserves the right to select more than one supplier and work locally to improve efficiency.
Location | Dates | Price (USD) |
Istanbul (75 participants) | February 26, 2020 | |
Gaziantep (75 participants) | March 11, 2020 | |
Gaziantep (75 participants) | March 25, 2020 | |
Istanbul (40 participants) | April 15, 2020 | |
Mersin (75 participants) | June 25, 2020 | |
Istanbul (75 participants) | July 14, 2020 | |
Istanbul(75 participants) | August 5, 2020 | |
Total Price |
*Note: All costs are borne by the supplier.
**Price includes VAT (KDV)