
Kupon Basımı için İhale Daveti

Kupon Basımı için İhale Daveti “İnsana Değer Derneği (İDD),  bağımsız, tarafsız ve kar amacı gütmeyen bir dernek olarak Gaziantep, Türkiye’de kuruldu. İDD, büyük kriz ve felaketler sırasında Türkiye içinde ve dışında yaşayan insanlara acil durum yardımı sağlamak ve yoksulluk içinde yaşayan insanlara uzun vadeli destek vermek, belirtilen gündem konularıyla ilgili olarak diğer sivil toplum ve kamu kuruluşlarıyla işbirliği yapmak amacıyla kurulmuştur. İDD, eşitlik, tarafsızlık, şeffaflık ve hesap verilebilirlik ilkelerine saygı duymakta ve değer vermektedir. İDD, […]

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Araç Kiralama için İhale Daveti

Araç Kiralama için İhale Daveti “İnsana Değer Derneği (İDD),  bağımsız, tarafsız ve kar amacı gütmeyen bir dernek olarak Gaziantep, Türkiye’de kuruldu. İDD, büyük kriz ve felaketler sırasında Türkiye içinde ve dışında yaşayan insanlara acil durum yardımı sağlamak ve yoksulluk içinde yaşayan insanlara uzun vadeli destek vermek, belirtilen gündem konularıyla ilgili olarak diğer sivil toplum ve kamu kuruluşlarıyla işbirliği yapmak amacıyla kurulmuştur. İDD, eşitlik, tarafsızlık, şeffaflık ve hesap verilebilirlik ilkelerine saygı duymakta ve değer vermektedir. İDD,

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CIMO (Government of Finland) Scholarships Turkey

The Finnish Government Scholarship Pool grants are intended for doctoral level post-graduate studies and research in Finnish universities and public research centres. The scholarship in a nutshell Applicant: must have a Master’s degree Nationality: restricted, please see Who can apply? (below) Field: all disciplines Purpose: work on a doctoral thesis or a research visit in Finland Application deadline: once a year, different dates for different countries Application submitted to: authorities in the applicant’s country of residence Grant: 1,500 euros/month, payable to the

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Invitation to Bid for Market Cards

CARE International in Turkey is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that has been operating in Gaziantep, Turkey since 2013, providing much needed aid and support to the Syrian refugee population, through funds provided by various government and other donors. CARE International in Turkey has been providing emergency relief assistance (Food or Non-Food Commodities) to the Syrian refugee population over the past 5 years procuring from Turkey. CARE Turkey now is looking to work with Grocery-market that

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Call for Tender to Print and Supply School Curriculum

This is a National Tender Tender Ref: AFR08111903   Bahar Organization (BO) is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization, working in the humanitarian field regardless of religion, ethnicity, or political view. Bahar is committed to the core standards for humanitarian work for organizations (SPHRE). Bahar contributes to the collective work of humanitarian response in Syria, by providing support to people affected by the conflict and reducing the burden on the shoulder of the hosting community through provisions

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Invitation to Tender (ITT) for the Supply of Heavy-Duty Engine Oil for Diesel Engine Generators

Invitation to Tender (ITT) for the supply of Heavy-Duty Engine Oil for Diesel Engine Generators to Northwest Syria Reference No. : G-SY-ANK-W-19497 Documents: Click on the following links to download the Invitation to Tender Document, Annex 1: GOAL Standard Terms & Conditions and Annex 2: GOAL Standard Form Framework Agreement Closing date and time for clarifications: 15/12/2019 23:59 PM GMT+1 (Irish Time)  Closing date and time for receipt of submissions: 02/01/2020 10:00 AM GMT+1 (Irish Time) Please read the ITT document for

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National Call for Tender: Medical Equipment

National Call for Tender Medical Equipment’s Tender Reference:  SRD-3642 Deadline is: Friday 6th Dec 2019 04:00PM Syria Relief and Development (SRD) is calling for a National Tender promptly to provide Medical Equipment’s for Hospital inside Syria Delivery will be to Jandairis, Northern Aleppo, Syria All interested candidates shall kindly send us email to below email address in order to get the detailed requirements as well as terms & conditions. Only original bids are accepted and to be submitted at

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Invitation to Bid for Field Third Part Monitoring

Saha Üçüncü Taraf Değerlendirme Servisi 24633-PC-20-069 Global Communities Suriyedeki saha çalışmalarını denetlemek üzere deneyimli bir firma ile anlaşma imzalayacaktır. İlgilenen firmalar  12 Aralık 2019, Türkiye saatiyle 17:00 ’a kadar sadece [email protected] email adresinden şartnameyi isteyebilirler. İhale/satın alım stratejimizin geliştirilmesi adına başvuru esnasında bu ilanı nerede  gördüğünüzü  e-postanızda belirtmenizi rica ederiz. Başvuru için son tarih 12 Aralık 2019, Türkiye saatiyle 17:00’dir. Sorularınızı yukarıdaki e-mail adresine yönlendirebilirsiniz.   Global Communities, hiçbir gerekçe göstermeksizin, herhangi bir teklifi ya da tüm teklifleri kabul etme ya da reddetme

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Tender: Compost and Surface Soil for Cultivated Mushroom

INVITATION TO TENDER Humanitarian Aid for Syria – Compost and Surface Soil for Cultivated Mushroom Our Ref. SYR-1052-TND-020 Welthungerhilfe was established in 1962. It is today one of the largest private organizations working in the area of development cooperation and humanitarian aid in Germany. Non-profit-seeking, non-partisan and non-denominational. Donations from the population at large fund our work in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In addition, Welthungerhilfe receives grants from the Federal German Government, the European

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